Friday, September 15, 2017

September Fly Fishing in Vermont

"I am lucky enough to have written a few books about travels and flyfishing in the USA, Patagonia, Iceland, Russia and all over Europe. Along the way I have encountered many different types of guide and cast for some pretty big trout. But every year I look forward to my 2 days with Chuck in Vermont. Indeed, no sooner I have I left Manchester than I am arranging next years’ return trip 11 months ahead. Fishing with Chuck cuts to the essentials. No need here for the latest technology, super fast action rod that throws a hyper tight loop dozens of yards for some ego-boosting sized rainbow. No, here he lends me his seven foot two-weight, perfect. A lot of the fish in Patagonia, Montana or Iceland would eat an average Battenkill brookie for breakfast, but who cares? What prettier jewel of a fish could you hope to catch, and they are far from easy. Chuck knows the rivers intimately, and can always find you a good spot come drought or flood. He has all the technical stuff off pat, and enough flies to re-stock Orvis. And above all, and I do a lot of work for fish conservation in Europe, he has the right attitude and is fun to fish with. He even manages to maintain his sense of humour and calm when I finally hook a big Battenkill brown and then lose it. Great stuff! " Adrian Latimer, Paris France/London UK