Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hendrickson Hatch on the New York Mettawee

I have had a couple solid reports of a decent Hendrickson hatch occurring on the Mettawee in Granville, NY. I do not Trout fish or guide in New York anymore, but all the same this is GREAT puts my question of how the aquatic insects survived TS Irene to rest...there were reports last fall from a Bennington High School study that indicated there may be a problem with mayflies nymphs after the storm....I am sure we haven't seen the complete affects from Irene, but this hatch showing up heavy and early is a great sign of hope! Thanks for the view and if you would like some target information for the NY Mettawee please email me at: These New York Hendricksons are a Light Hendrickson which are pink....more on the differences between light and dark Hendricksons on the next post...Please stay tuned and remember its 9 days till Vermont Trout Fishing!