Friday, April 17, 2009

Lake St. Catherine Brown Trout

I put the boat in today for the first time. Lake St. Catherine is minutes away, so it makes sense to test it there. Spent about 3 hours trolling a wide variety of lures but no takers. It was very sunny and flat....water temp 48 to 50. The whole time I was out... I was thinking about all the custom fly orders I still need to build for clients. So, I really didn't give it my all. Also, I wanted to do a bug check on the New York side of the Mettawee. Didn't see any Hendricksons over there but it will be any day now. Aquatic insect hatches are funny....a hatch will start in the headwaters and on the lower sections and move towards the middle of the drainage. Back to the tying bench!!! Hope you all have a great weekend.